JAKARTA - Israel allegedly canceled its plans to carry out a massive attack on the Rafah in the Gaza Strip and chose to only carry out targeted attacks after talks with the United States, The Telegraph reported.

The British newspaper report quoted a senior US official, who on Wednesday (225) said Israel had considered US concerns, who had warned them weeks from carrying out massive operations in Rafah.

"It can be said that Israel has updated their plans. They have thought about the many concerns we have raised. This is an ongoing discussion and conversation. This is constructive," the official said.

He made the remarks at a meeting between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and White House National Security Adviser -- US president's office -- Jake Sullivan in Jerusalem last week.

Sullivan last week visited Saudi Arabia and Israel. During his visit, he had a meeting with Crown Prince and Saudi Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and the Israeli leader.

Earlier in May, the US Department of Defense confirmed media reports that the Biden government suspended the shipment of bombs weighing 1,800 - 2,000 pounds and bombs weighing 500 - 1,700 pounds to Israel,

The suspension comes after Israel allegedly began a limited military operation in Rafah while announcing its plans to resume massive ground operations in the region.

In early May, US President Joe Biden in an interview with CNN said Washington would not supply weapons to Israel if the Jewish nation's military attacked Rafah.

In the early hours of May 7, the Israeli armed forces launched an attack he described as "operation against terrorists" in Rafahtimur and took control of the Gaza side at the border crossing with Egypt.

Later that week, Israeli media reported that the Israeli military cabinet had approved the expansion of ground operations.

Israeli authorities said the operation was aimed at eliminating the rest of the Palestinian Hamas movement battalion in the Gaza Strip.

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