JAKARTA - Police say that most of the victims who died in the Sri Padma Kencana tour bus accident have been identified. Noted, 27 people were killed in the deadly incident.

"The names or identities of 25 people have been confirmed. So 2 people are still checking their identities," said Head of Public Relations of the West Java Regional Police, Kombes Erdi Adrimulan Chaniago to VOI, Thursday, March 11.

Based on data, around 39 bus passengers survived. They are currently undergoing medical treatment. So, if you add up a total of 66 people on the Sri Padma Kencana bus.

"Until now, the total number of passengers is approximately 60 people," said Erdi.

"Yes, the rest are survivors, they are injured," he continued.

On the other hand, Erdi said based on the results of the temporary investigation the cause of the deadly incident was due to the slippery road. Moreover, in the series of accidents the bus had hit an electric pole and finally fell into a cliff.

"But until now it is still being explored. Because until now we are focusing on evacuation. Later, we will explore the causes," he said.

Meanwhile, the Sri Padma Kencana tour bus with passengers from the Al Muawanah IT Middle School group, Cisalak, Subang, West Java entered a ravine in Sumedang, Wednesday, March 10.

The unfortunate incident occurred in Tanjakan Cae, Sukajadi Village, Wado District, Sumedang Regency, West Java.

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