JAKARTA - The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) is ready to provide protection and assistance to both witnesses, victims, and perpetrators in the murder case of Vina and her lover, Muhammad Rizky or Eky in Cirebon in 2016. "We do not rule out the possibility that anyone can apply for (protection) to LPSK," said LPSK Commissioner Susilaningtias at the East Jakarta LPSK Office, Wednesday, May 22, quoted by Antara. Regarding Vina's murder case which is of public concern, Susi said The LPSK commissioner has carried out proactive activities by visiting the West Java Regional Police who are handling the pursuit of the three fugitive perpetrators. Proactive is carried out to coordinate regarding the handling of the case. Then proceed with further examining the case. "Indeed, there has been one witness who submitted (protection) to the LPSK but also we are still investigating that there may be witnesses or victims or the families of witnesses or victims who also apply for protection to the LPSK. So we sudah melakukan proaktif," katanya.Meski demikian, lanjut Susi, pihaknya belum sampai mendatangi ke keluar dari Vina dan Eky di Cirebon, selaku korban.Sri Suaryati, Komisioner LPSK lainnya, menekankan bahwa LPSK terbuka bagi siapapun korban, atau saksi dalam kasus Vina Cirebon yang ingin perlindungan."Intinya LPSK terbuka, siapapun baik keluarga korban, saksi yang memang ingin perlindungan LPSK kami sangat terbuka," kata Sri. Namun Sri menegaskan, perlindungan yang diberikan LPSK Of course, through the procedures in the institution, such as administrative procedures and so on. "Of course, through the procedure and we will carry out the next process," he said. Regarding one witness who has submitted protection to LPSK, Susi added, it is only limited to assistance, because LPSK is still examining and analyzing further information, related to administrative issues. In addition, said Susi, his party has also built communication with the victim's family and obtained it Positive response through his attorney. "One of the victims' families has actually been in contact with his attorney, later we will follow up immediately if there is a victim's family who submits a complaint or protection request to LPSK," said Susi. Likewise, with one of the perpetrators of the Vina Cirebon murder who has been released, Saka Tatal who claimed to have been tortured by the police to admit a crime. If applying for protection, LPSK is also ready provide assistance by first looking at whether the person concerned has important information in uncovering the case. "Later we will see who, right? We will not close anyone who can submit to the LPSK, later we will examine further whether the person concerned has important information to uncover this crime," said Susi. "Then second, who knows there is a threat or intimidation against these witnesses and victims, we can give definitely no protection for us closing anyone can ask for protection from LPSK, later we will conduct further studies before receiving or not," said Susi. Separately, one of the three fugitives in the murder of Vina Cirebon has been arrested by the West Java Regional Police together with the Directorate of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri. Brigadier General Pol. Djhandhani Rahardjo Puro.
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