JAKARTA - A great turbulence hit a Singapore Airlines plane causing one to be killed and 80 injured. One of the victims who was hit by fear had sent a message to his mother in the middle of the incident.

Josh Barker, had sent a message to his family and mother, totaling, when the Boeing 777-300ER aircraft was fading at an altitude of 6,000 feet experiencing severe turbulence.

"I don't want to scare you, I'm on a crazy flight. The plane made an emergency landing... I love all of you," Josh's message read.

tip mengaku setelah pesan itu rasa khawatir bercambuk. Setelah bertuang-jam menunggu kabar yang menurutnya menyecuksi, akhirnya bisa komunikasi dengan Josh.

Josh suffered minor injuries leaving Singapore Airlines while one passenger, 73-year-old Geoffrey Ralph Kitchen, died of a heart attack during turbulence.

"It's terrible. I don't know what's going on. We don't know if he (Josh) is safe, it's very tense. It was the longest two hours of my life."

The plane with the SQ321 flight carried 221 passengers and 18 crew members took off from London after 10 p.m. on Monday, May 20, local time.

The flight to Singapore did not go smoothly. The plane experienced severe turbulence when the passengers were enjoying breakfast, about 11 hours from 13 hours of flight to Singapore.

In the aftermath of the incident, the Singapore Airlines airline was diverted to Suvarnabhumi International Airport in Bangkok just before 16.00 local time.

A total of 13 ambulances then rushed to the landing site of the plane.

Dozens of passengers were rushed to the hospital. However, the healthy victims continued their journey to Changi Airport in Singapore last night.

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