JAKARTA - Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico's condition gradually improved, when he reportedly underwent recovery after his condition gradually improved, stabilized and was able to communicate.

The doctor who treated him said Tuesday, PM Fico underwent a follow-up CT scan of the abdomen and remained conscious and communicative, after four bullets hit him in an assassination attempt with last week's shooting.

"At the same time, further action is underway to improve his health condition," the hospital in Banska City Bystrica, Slovakia, said in a statement.

Yesterday, the team of doctors who treated him said PM Fico's condition was stable and improving, as he tried to recover from the shooting he experienced.

"After today's medical board meeting, the patient's condition is stable," the hospital said in a statement on its Facebook page.

"He is improving clinically, communicating, and his inflammatory markers are gradually decreasing. The Prime Minister remains under our care," the hospital continued.

On Sunday, Deputy Prime Minister Robert Kalinak said PM Fico's life was no longer in danger, although his condition was too serious to be transferred to a hospital in the capital Bratislava.

On the same day, Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok said an investigative team had been formed, which would investigate whether the suspect acted alone as previously believed or there was involvement by other parties.

The 71-year-old suspect, identified by prosecutor Juraj C., is a former security guard at a shopping center and author of three pools of poetry. One of the factors showing the involvement of others is that the suspect's internet communications were deleted two hours after the assassination attempt, but not by the suspect and most likely not by his wife," he said.

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