JAKARTA - The spokesman for the handling of the corona virus or COVID-19, Achmad Yurianto, said the number of patients who died due to the corona virus or COVID-19 reached 25 people per day. The average patient dies because of complications from a pre-existing disease.

"If we look at other factors, almost all of them have predecessor diseases and most of them are diabetes, hypertension and chronic heart disease. Some of them have lung disease," said Yurianto in a press conference broadcast on BNPB's YouTube, Thursday, March 19.

Apart from complications, Yuri said most of the patients who died were those aged over 45 years and over.

"Some of the cases of death that we get are in the age range of 45-65 years, there is one case that died at the age of 37 years," he explained.

Meanwhile, Yurianto said that to this day, the total number of patients who tested positive for COVID-19 had reached 309 cases.

DKI Jakarta, said Yurianto, is still the largest contributor to the virus because it has recorded the addition of up to 52 people. In total, 210 people have tested positive from this region.

Meanwhile, for patients who have recovered at this time, nationally it reaches 15 people. They were declared cured after undergoing two tests and tested negative.

Yuri added that the death rate in Indonesia due to COVID-19 was considered high, reaching 8 percent.

"The total of 25 deaths is approximately 8 percent of the total cases we treat," said Yurianto.

Even though it is still high, according to him, this figure can still change or be dynamic. Given the number of positive cases and patients who have died, it can continue to grow or move.

"This figure is still high but this is a dynamic figure because every time the number of new cases will increase rapidly but then hopefully no more cases will die," he said.

It is known, with a death rate reaching 8 percent, the death rate from the virus is higher than in other affected countries such as Italy, where the death rate is only 7.2 percent; Iran 4.5 percent and China 3.9 percent.

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