The Navy Military Police Detachment (Denpom) examined an officer who served as an Intel Officer at the Kendari Naval Base (Lanal) Major Laut Wahyu, who was suspected of molesting his junior named KLD Rafirudin alias Rafi at a hotel in Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra).

The Commander of POM AL Kendari Marine Major (M) Sufyadin said his party had received a report from the victim. Currently, POM AL Kendari has investigated Marine Major Wahyu for the abuse case.

"It has been (the investigation of Marine Major Wahyu). We will inform you of the progress later after the Lanal Commander as Ankum has reported it," said Sufyadin as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 21.

Even so, POM AL did not detain Major Wahyu on the grounds that there was no concern that the perpetrators fled or damaged evidence.

"Or, other things that interfere with the examination," said Sufyadin.

Meanwhile, the victim of persecution by Marine Major Wahyu, KLD Rafirudin, said the persecution began when he was with his colleagues sitting beside the pool at the hotel.

However, Major Wahyu suddenly came and asked him several things regarding his arrival in Kendari City, while he served at the Baubau Navy Post on Sunday (19/5) at around 20.00 WITA.

"Pasi Intel asked, Rafi why it is in Kendari, then I answered that we were ordered to accompany Colonel Mulku's wife, then Pasi Intel said why you, there are still many other members," said Rafi when met by ANTARA.

After that, continued Rafi, he was then told to squat beside Pasi Intel and was immediately hit several times on the forehead. It did not stop there, the abuse occurred again when Pasi Intel Lanal Kendari found out that the victim was sleeping in the hotel.

"I was then called to squat again beside him, then I was hit again many times on the lips until my lips were broken," he said.

Due to this incident, the victim immediately reported the abuse carried out by Pasi Intel Lanal Kendari Marine Major Wahyu at the POM AL Kendari Detachment.

"After there was a report, we immediately went for a post-mortem," he explained.

It is known, before coming to Kendari City, the victim who served at the Baubau Navy Post had been ordered by the Kendari Lanal Major Laut (H) Paslan to accompany the family of Marine Colonel Abdul Kadir Mullku.

After receiving the order, Rafi immediately asked for permission and instructions from the Commander of the Baubau Navy Post. He was also immediately allowed and asked to immediately go to Kendari City to carry out the order.

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