JAKARTA - Basuki Tjahja Purnama or Ahok was appointed as President Commissioner of PT Pertamina. This position is in charge of carrying out the supervisory function of the company.
Special Staff to the Minister of BUMN Arya Sinulingga said that Ahok became the main commissioner because Pertamina needed good supervision. Therefore, it is hoped that Ahok can carry out this task.
"This requires supervision of Pak Ahok's abilities," said Arya's office at BUMN, Jakarta, Monday, November 25.
Ahok realized that his job was quite heavy. He asked the community for help to report to him if there was anything suspicious at Pertamina.
"Because the function (of the main commissioner) is to supervise, the more it is reported. The more number of complaints, the more people who report it will help us to carry out better supervision," said Ahok.
Based on Article 27 of Law Number 19 Year 2003 concerning State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), commissioners are appointed and dismissed at the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS). In the event that the minister acts as the GMS, the appointment and dismissal of the commissioners shall be carried out by the minister.
Meanwhile, in article 31 of Law Number 19 Year 2003 concerning State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), the duties of a BUMN commissioner are to supervise the directors in carrying out the management of the Persero, and provide advice to the directors.
The duties, functions and authorities of BUMN commissioners are more fully listed in Government Regulation (PP) Number 45 of 2005 concerning the Establishment, Management, Supervision and Disbursement of the second state-owned enterprise.
The complete duties and powers of BUMN commissioners are listed in Article 59 to Article 64. This duty is the same as the supervisory board. Following are the duties and authorities of BUMN commissioners:
Art 59
The Commissioners and the Supervisory Board are obliged in good faith and full of responsibility to carry out their duties for the interests and business of BUMN. The Commissioners and the Supervisory Board are personally fully responsible if the person concerned is guilty or has neglected to carry out his duties in accordance with the provisions referred to in paragraph (1). On behalf of Perum, the owner of the capital can file a lawsuit in court against members of the Supervisory Board who due to their mistakes or negligence cause losses to the Perum.Article 60
The Commissioner and the Supervisory Board are tasked with: a. To supervise the management of BUMN by the Board of Directors; and b. Provide advice to the Board of Directors in carrying out management activities of BUMN. The duties and powers of the Commissioners and the Supervisory Board are further regulated in the BUMN articles of association.Art 61
To help the smooth execution of their duties, the Commissioner and the Supervisory Board can appoint a secretary for the Commissioner / Supervisory Board at the expense of BUMN.
Art 62
If deemed necessary, the Commissioners and the Supervisory Board in carrying out their duties can obtain expert assistance for certain matters and for a certain period at the expense of the BUMN.
Art 63
All costs required to carry out the duties of the Commissioners and the Supervisory Board are borne by the BUMN and are clearly stated in the Company's Work Plan and Budget.
Article 64
All Commissioners / Supervisory Board decisions are taken in the Commissioners / Supervisory Board's meeting. The decision of the Commissioner / Supervisory Board can also be taken outside the Commissioner / Supervisory Board meeting as long as all members of the Commissioner / Supervisory Board agree on the method and material to be decided. In every meeting of the Commissioners and the Supervisory Board, minutes of the meeting must be drawn up containing the matters discussed and decided upon, including statements of disapproval of the members of the Commissioners / Supervisory Board, if any. The procedures for the meetings of the Commissioners and the Supervisory Board are further regulated in the BUMN articles of associationThe English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)