JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron feels that the KPK Supervisory Board destroys his and his family names. Therefore, Ghufron chose to make a report to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police regarding the process of investigating alleged ethical violations.

"I have been questioned (Dewas KPK, ed)," said Ghufron to reporters at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Monday, May 20.

"Before being examined, it was reported and it not only hurt and attacked my good name, the good name of my family, and the people who were bound to have a relationship with me were also sick," he continued.

Ghufron also felt that the KPK Supervisory Board seemed to impose allegations of ethical violations related to the mutation of employees of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) that ensnared him. Because, from the start the ethical process did not have to go up to trial because it had expired.

Moreover, Ghufron has also submitted an objection through a written message to the KPK Supervisory Board.

"So once again persuasively regarding the refusal to be examined, I have conveyed verbally and then there was no response. I convey in writing that on the 29th the case will still increase," he said.

As previously reported, the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron, reported the KPK Supervisory Board to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. The report was recorded with the number LP/B/138/V/2024/SPKT/Bareskrim Polri on May 6.

There are two articles that Ghufron complained about because they were deemed violated by the KPK Council in the ethical process that ensnared him. Namely Article 310 of the Criminal Code and Article 421 of the Criminal Code.

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