JAKARTA - The Regent of Grobogan, Sri Sumarni, is proud of the figure of the chairman of the Central Java Gerindra Party DPD, Sudaryono, because he is considered to have been an inspiration to the world of education in the regencies he leads.

Sri Sumarni in her speech at the education seminar explained that Sudaryono, who was born from Mangunrejo Village, Grobogan, was considered capable of being the next generation of the nation.

"He is the successor of the nation. This is the son of the region," said Sri Sumarni at the Riptaloka building in the Grobogan Regent's office, Sunday, May 19.

"He is currently the Special Staff of the Minister of Defense Pak Prabowo or the elected president. I call him 'Mas Dar'. His billboards are along the way for those who are curious, this is the person. Good luck in the future," said Sri, who was immediately greeted by loud applause from hundreds of teachers who were present in PGRI uniforms.

Quoted from a written statement, Sri Sumarni, the PDI-P politician also briefly mentioned the presidential election contestation which some time ago appointed Prabowo Subianto as the elected president.

Sri said that the presence of Sudaryono, who is also known as a close person to Prabowo, is expected to also make a special contribution to the development of the world of education in Grobogan.

"Incidentally, he has Mr. Prabowo. The President was elected. Although at that time it was different (the presidential candidate's choice), now he must build together. He is able to continue development. Especially in Grobogan," he said.

"He (Sudaryono) is my younger brother's classmate. In SMP N 2 Toroh. His school is here. Well, Mas Dar, here there is the 'Gemes' program. The School Must Movement. Children who drop out of school must go to school again," he said.

Regent Sri Sumarni as Regent of Grobogan deliberately invited Sudaryono as a speaker at a seminar with the theme 'National Awakening as Teacher Awakening'.

Sudaryono, who is a regional son and has succeeded in occupying major positions such as the Chairman of the Central Java Gerindra Party DPD, Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Market Traders (APPSI), Chairman of the Board of Independent Farmers, and so on, is expected to be able to transmit his enthusiasm in changing people's lives through educational channels.

As is known, Sudaryono, who is now often called a candidate for governor of Central Java, was born to a simple farming family. However, with his perseverance, the 39-year-old man got the opportunity to scholarship at a well-known school in Indonesia Taruna Nusantara, Magelang.

He then continued his education at the National Defense Academy of Japan, Swiss German University, and the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB).

"I am a child of difficult people. Children of farmers. So if you look at this moment I can only be grateful for the blessings given by Allah SWT. The way is of course by serving in a mandate," said Sudaryono on several occasions.

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