BANJARMASIN - As many as 1,600 pilgrims for Hajj (JCH) from the Banjarmasin Embarkation, South Kalimantan have left for the Holy Land of Makkah via Syamsudin Noor Airport Banjarmasin in Banjarbaru City, South Kalimantan.

These pilgrims are members of five flying groups (cluters) from 12-17 May 2024. "A total of 1,600 pilgrims have arrived in Medina," said Head of the Banjarmasin Hajj Embarkation Officer Dr H Muhammad Tambrin in Banjarbaru, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, May 18. Currently, he said, he is preparing a Cluster 06 from Central Kalimantan Province which is already in the Banjarmasin Embarkation Hajj Dormitory in Banjarbaru City and departs on Sunday (19/5) at 08:20 WITA. According to him, so far the process of departure of pilgrims at the Banjarmasin Embarkation has been running smoothly. "Alhamdulillah, everything went smoothly, the Hajj candidates are all orderly and comply with the rules," he said.

For the current departure of the hajj directly to Prince Muhammad Bin Abdul Aziz International Airport, Medina, Saudi Arabia. Departure of Hajj in the Banjarmasin Embarkation for 19 groups is scheduled from 12 May to 10 June 2024. The number of pilgrims departing as many as 5,759 people, with details, from South Kalimantan as many as 4,071 people in 14 groups and Central Kalimantan as many as 1,688 people in five groups.Tambrin asked all pilgrims to implement a healthy lifestyle and adequate rest, to avoid direct sun exposure by always using personal protective equipment and footwear, drinking water and not waiting for thirst so as not to be dehydrated and not to force themselves to carry out sunnah worship. "Preparate yourself to maintain health, avoid excessive fatigue and focus on worshiping the peak of the hajj, namely wuhkuf in Arafah, Muzdalifah and Mina (Armuzna), because the weather in Saudi Arabia is not the same as in Indonesia," he said. It was informed, said Tambrin, currently the weather in Medina and Makkah reached 40 degrees Celsius," said the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of South Kalimantan. The Tambrin also asked all pilgrims for Hajj candidates to obey the rules, both from the head of the group and from the health team. "May Allah always protect and provide health and become a great hajj," he concluded.

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