Bus crews driving recklessly endanger the people transported and other motorized vehicles need to be reprimanded by passengers. The police urge bus passengers to dare to reprimand if anyone experiences it.

"Passengers are asked to dare to remind bus drivers who drive recklessly or are dangerous," said Semarang Police Traffic Head AKBP Yunaldi during a ramp check at the Banyumanik shadow terminal, Semarang, Saturday.

According to him, the attention of the Semarang Polrestabes is not only the condition of the bus's feasibility, but also the driver.

This, he continued, was based on a number of bus events that drove recklessly on the highway.

Inspection of the feasibility of tourism buses and public buses, he said, was carried out at the Banyumanik shadow terminal.

He explained that the inspection was an effort to pick up the police ball and other stakeholders in ensuring the feasibility of the public vehicle operated.

"It was carried out in Banyumanik because there were indeed many buses that carried passengers in this place with the aim of various regions," he said.

The inspection, he continued, was not only carried out on the physical bus, but also on the health condition of the driver.

To the bus crew, Yunaldi appealed to always pay attention to the condition of bus parts.

"If the spare parts have to be replaced, replace them with the standard," he said.

Previously, the police made massive efforts in the form of a "ramp check" or inspection of all buses operating in the Central Java region as a follow-up to bus traffic accidents transporting students participating in a workshop in Subang, West Java, some time ago.

Checks were made on buses belonging to large and small companies.

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