BOGOR- The Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) of Bogor City, West Java appreciated the performance of the local city government as stated in the Bogor Mayor's 2023 Accountability Certificate (LKPJ), including the Adipura award which was won again by the rainy city after 25 years ago.

Appreciation was conveyed at the Plenary Meeting on Tuesday (30/4/2024) with the agenda of submitting the results of the discussion of the Bogor City DPRD Special Committee (Pansus) related to the 2023 Bogor Mayor's Accountability Statement Report (LKPJ).

However, the Bogor City DPRD still provides 38 recommendations for improving the running of the city government in the future.

In the plenary meeting, spokesman for the 2023 LKPJ Special Committee team Said Muhamad Mohan expressed his appreciation for the performance of the Bogor City Government during 2023, including obtaining an Unqualified Opinion (WTP) from the BPK and having received 23 awards from various agencies or institutions, including the Adipura award in 2023.

However, regardless of all, Mohan emphasized that in order to improve the implementation of the government in the future and in order to carry out its duties and functions, the Bogor City DPRD felt the need to provide notes as outlined in the form of recommendations from the Bogor City DPRD.

"After we discussed it at the AKD level, we have summarized and determined that there are 38 recommendations that need to be implemented by the Bogor City Government to improve the government system, service and implement the future budget," said Mohan.

Furthermore, Mohan conveyed several evaluations of the results of the discussion of the 2023 LKPJ Special Committee team which the Bogor City Government needed to pay attention to.

First, regarding the implementation of the government, Mohan said that the realization of Regional Taxes, especially for BPHTB, General Services Retribution, Business Services and Certain Licensing Retribution, should be carried out in-depth evaluation and review of the effectiveness of Regional Original Income Sources (PAD), identification of factors that affect the low target achievement, such as obstacles in tax collection, retribution, and approval of buildings using an integrated information system to ensure that the regional revenue reporting system runs efficiently and accurately.

Mohan also said that the Special Committee Team asked the Bogor City Government to immediately conduct a routine maintenance budget for the Bogor City Housing and Settlement Service (Disperumkim). This is because the Special Committee team assesses that many improvement activities cannot be executed immediately, thus hampering the planned programs.

The LKPJ Special Committee team also assessed that related to the procurement of land capital expenditures that are often problematic and cannot be completed within 1 fiscal year, the LKPJ Special Committee team provided input that in setting a budget for land acquisition budgeted for several SKPDs it must be prioritized to complete land acquisition that is not or has not been completed until the end of the 2023 FY or previous fiscal years.

"Furthermore, looking at the land capital expenditure budget ceiling, it must be based on a land acquisition plan that is prepared in accordance with statutory regulations. Documents of the land acquisition plan," explained Mohan.

Second, regarding the realization of the APBD in fulfilling the RPJMD, Mohan said that the 2023 LKPJ Special Committee team assessed that the Bogor City Government must complete 10 performance indicators on the unresolved RPJMD mission. This can be done by preparing consistent planning and budgeting based on laws and regulations that regulate regional financial management.

"The Bogor City Government must focus on programs to improve people's welfare in terms of equitable development in border areas and slum areas, increasing access and quality of formal and non-formal education, reducing unemployment and economic growth," said Mohan.

Third, regarding legal reform or implementation and the formation of legal products, Mohan said that the Bogor City Government needed to strengthen the legal reform index and the policy quality index. This can be achieved by evaluating regional legal products that have been issued and budgeting in the preparation of implementing regulations from regional regulations that have been issued in the socialization of Perkada in OPD.

He also asked the Legal Section in accordance with the main duties and functions to immediately resolve the regional regulations related to 2023 which had not been issued, such as the Perwali related to the Compensation of Deaths, Perwali related to Perda no. 2 of 2022 The Implementation of Islamic Boarding Schools, and Perwali related to Regional Regulation No. 10 of 2021 concerning Prevention and Control of the Behavior of Sexual Deviations and Other Regional Regulations.

"Rekomendasi DPRD Kota Bogor terhadap LKPJ Wali Kota Bogor Tahun 2022 yang belum ditindaklanjutkan pada tahun 2023 agar ditindaklanjutkan pada tahun 2024 sekaligus menindakjuti rekomendasi DPRD Kota Bogor terhadap LKPJ Wali Kota Bogor Tahun 2023," tutupnya.

Separately, a member of the 2023 LKPJ Special Committee team, Endah Purwanti, revealed that based on the results of an internal meeting conducted by the special committee team, there were several notes on the performance of Bogor Mayor Bima Arya in 2023.

The first is about solving poverty problems. According to Endah, the root of the high poverty rate in Bogor City is due to the low number of old schools in Bogor City which has an effect on the high unemployment rate in Bogor City.

"So from 2019 to 2023 it is still 10 years in a coma and there is no significant increase, so on average people drop out of school at the age of junior high school," explained Endah.

The Uninhabitable House Program (RTLH) run by the Bogor City Government is also considered to have not been implemented properly. Endah revealed that the Bogor City Government only pursued quantity, but did not pay attention to the quality of the renovated house.

In fact, the Bogor City DPRD has issued a recommendation at the 2022 LKPJ regarding changes to the Perwali which regulates the amount of assistance for beneficiaries of the RTLH program.

"Regulatively, the guardianship must be changed. We have reminded this from 2022. That the guardianship of social assistance grants must be changed, such as the provinces of West Java and other regions, so that the amount of assistance is flat or equivalent to the RTLH program. Now this is related to the achievement of the poor environment, because RTLH assistance is careless, as long as the number is large but the amount is small, so it's not complete. the settlement of slum areas," said Endah.

Finally, Endah highlighted the rotation of ASN mutations that were often carried out by Bogor Mayor Bima Arya in 2023. According to him, the mutation rotation carried out by Bima contradicts the tagline of Abdi Bogor which was carried out in Bima's work program, namely improving government services to the community.

Endah noted that at least five mutation rotations have been carried out in 2023. This causes government services to the community not to run, because ASN moves too often.

"The mutation rotation that was carried out at the end of the year shows that mutation rotation hampers the performance of ASN. For example, the village head who has only served for a few months has been moved back to other agencies. He hasn't sat down yet but has been hit by rotation again, that's how it is," explained Endah.

Broadly speaking, Endah assessed that the program prepared by the SKPD was only a formality, because it only repeated the existing programs from year to year.

He considered that there was no innovation, there was a program breakthrough that was prepared based on the conditions of society in each region.

"The program prepared by the service so far is just routine activities, there are no breakthrough activities. So from all the indicators, their performance has been achieved, but there is no innovation in it," said Endah.

"As for innovative things such as the construction of museums, the launch of electricity angkots, Transpakuan buses, all of which still have a lot of homework left. So actually nothing is complete," he concluded.

Acting (Pj) Mayor of Bogor, Hery Antasari in this plenary meeting conveyed his remarks on the Special Committee report related to the Bogor Mayor's LKPJ in 2023. Regarding the Bogor Mayor's LKPJ in 2023, the City Government has submitted a Accountability Certificate to the Bogor City DPRD as stipulated in the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 18 of 2020 concerning the Evaluation Report on Regional Government Implementation.

As is well known, the LKPJ has also discussed all regional apparatus and BUMD within the Bogor City Government, together with the Bogor City DPRD LKPJ Special Committee, with the final results in the form of recommendations from the Bogor City DPRD to the Bogor City Government as previously stated.

"We, the Bogor City Government, are committed to following up on all recommendations from the Bogor City DPRD on LKPJ in 2023 that we have conveyed. We believe that all of these recommendations are a form of our synergy to get to a better Bogor City," he said.

As is well known, the development problems faced in the future are increasingly full of challenges. For this reason, we need to continue to collaborate in order to produce a government that is increasingly responsive, participatory, adaptive to the aspirations of the community and the development of information technology that is increasingly open.

"Thank you profusely to all development stakeholders, FORKOPIMDA, all regional apparatus, BUMD within the Bogor City government, the private sector and the people of Bogor City, pentahelix as a whole have provided support for development in 2023," he said.

As the Acting Mayor, Hery is tasked with overseeing and delivering the Bogor City Government to the definitive Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Bogor.

Therefore, on that occasion he asked for the support and synergy of all to protect the conducive city of Bogor in this political year.

At the end of his remarks, Hery also expressed his highest appreciation to the Special Committee for LKPJ of the Bogor City DPRD, which has provided suggestions and evaluations in the form of recommendations for the implementation of decentralization affairs, assistant duties and general government duties which will be carried out throughout 2023.

"We hope that the partnership that has been created between the Government and the Bogor City DPRD so far can be maintained, fostered and even further improved," he concluded.

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