The Karawang Police have named two men with students and students as suspects in the sodomy case against a number of children in the Karawang Regency, West Java.

"The suspects, each with the initials YDSN (21), were students and YAP (18), were registered as students in Karawang," said Karawang Deputy Chief of Police, Kompol Prasetyo PN, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, May 17.

The two suspects have been detained at the Karawang Police Headquarters detention center after previously being arrested on Saturday (11/5) in the Karawang area.

During the arrest, the police confiscated a number of evidences in the form of two clothes from the victim.

According to him, the sodomy case by a student and student against a number of minors was revealed after the police received a report from one of the victim's families in Telukjambe Timur District, Karawang.

"So the perpetrator's actions were revealed after one of the victim's parents checked his son's cellphone containing chats from the perpetrator," he said.

The Deputy Chief of Police said that the perpetrator committed obscene acts against underage boys by committing sodomy, in order to vent his lust for lust.

The police suspect that the suspect has a sexual orientation that deviates from a small boy.

In carrying out the action, the sodomi perpetrator lured the victims Rp50-100 thousand in cash. In addition, the perpetrators also lured the victim by buying snacks and shoes.see_also]






In accordance with the results of the examination, there were 11 victims who were boys. However, the police have only received reports from eight victims.

For their actions, the perpetrators were charged with Article 82 paragraph (1) of Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2022 concerning Child Protection, with a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison.

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