BADUNG - The man with the initials IMWP (31) was arrested by the police for shooting at residents with a rifle. The victim was injured in the left thigh.

"The victim of a gunshot wound to the left side of the gunshot wound. (The motive) is jealousy," said Head of Public Relations of the Badung Police, Iptu I Ketut Oka Bawa, Wednesday, March 10.

The shooting took place on Saturday, March 6 at Tegalan Banjar Tiyingan, Badung. At first the victim named I Putu Juana received an SMS from the perpetrator's wife's number.

The victim was invited to meet but refused. But at that time the victim received a follow-up SMS from the perpetrator's wife's cellphone, which still forced him to meet.

The victim finally complied with this invitation. Suddenly there were actors at the location.

"What does it mean to meet my wife ?," said the perpetrator, imitated by the police.

"Your wife sent me here," replied koban.

At that moment the victim was shot by the perpetrator. The victim had time to seize the weapon used by the perpetrator. The perpetrator immediately fled.

"Referring to the victim's statement, he initially received an SMS which was known to belong to the woman (the perpetrator's wife). It turned out that when he came there it was not his wife, it turned out that the perpetrator was already behind him. Maybe the perpetrator's trick was to lure (the victim) because he was jealous," he added.

From this report the police arrested the perpetrator on Tuesday, March 9 in Banjar Semanik, Badung. Also secured 1 air rifle and 8 bullets.

From the investigation, the perpetrator admitted to shooting the victim by trapping the victim via SMS first.

"That in carrying out persecution by shooting with a long-barreled gas rifle," he said.

But the police do not yet know whether there is a special relationship between the victim and the perpetrator. The police are still developing an investigation.

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