JAKARTA - The Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, has encouraged all Medan Municipal Government ASNs to distribute their personal zakat through the National Zakat Agency (Baznas).

"I urge all Muslim ASNs in the Medan Municipal Government to contribute their infaq, zakat and alms through the Medan City Baznas," said Bobby when receiving an audience for Medan City Baznas Management at the Medan Mayor's Office, which was uploaded on his personal Instagram @bobbynst, quoted as saying Wednesday, March 10.

According to him, Baznas has many important roles for the wider community. Baznas, said Bobby, also plays a role in supporting the health and social sectors of the community, not only as a forum for the community to channel infaq, zakat and alms.

"God willing, I will personally distribute my zakat through the Medan City Baznas," he said

Bobby hopes that in the future there will be increased socialization and education to the public, so that people's trust in channeling their infaq, zakat and alms through Baznas in Medan will increase.

"Baznas must also educate the public to believe that zakat given to Baznas is distributed to the right person," said Bobby reminded.

This Ugandan gets a lot of comments. Among other things from @trisyalabel who said. "This is the first time I feel the city of Medan has a mayor ❤️ .. Hopefully the trustee is always the trustee," he said.

Then, there are also those who have high hopes for this son-in-law of President Joko Widodo. They hoped that Medan would be better when led by Bobby.

"Color the city of Medan with many achievements, sir. Walkot. For decades, the city of Medan has not made any progress, it's just ceremonial. Starting from the city roads which are full of holes, bad drainage has caused the city to be flooded everywhere ... The bureaucracy is not yet free of corruption and everywhere. get extortion .. Hopefully with the new Pak Walker who has the power can slowly change the city of Medan .. We are waiting for the real work, Mr. Walker, "said @zchairi_nasti.

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