JAKARTA - Road access that was cut off for 6,000 isolated residents in Nagari Sungai Jambu, Pariangan District, Tanah Datar Regency, West Sumatra due to natural disasters in flash floods was immediately repaired with the construction of an emergency bridge.

Pembangunan jembatan darurat dilakukan oleh Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (Baznas) untuk membantu warga dapat aktivitas kembali."Baznas membangun jembatan darurat agar jalan mengungkat masyarakat yang terputus bisa terhubung kembali," kata Pimpinan Baznas RI Bidang Pendistributian dan Pendayagunaan Saidah Sakwan dalam keterangan di Jakarta, dikutip dari ANTARA, Rabu 15 Mei.Saidah mengatakan langkah ini diambil untuk memulihkan aksesibilitas dan mendukung upaya pemulihan masyarakat Jambu yang dihuni sekitar 6.000 jiwa lalu telah menyebabkan kerusakan paraktur, termasuk jalan dan jembatan, yang mesisasi beberapa desa. Untuk itu, Baznas menurunkan tim Baznas Tanggap Bencana (BTB) ke lokasi ke lokasi kejadian untuk menilai kerusakan dan kebutuhan mendesak masyarakat.

"As a first step, we have built an emergency bridge to ensure that people can return to their activities and get the help needed," he said. Saidah explained that the floods that hit six sub-districts in the West Sumatra area, namely in Lima Kaum District, Rambatan District, Pariangan District, Batipuh District, X Koto District and Sungai Tarab District occurred at around 22:30 WIB on Saturday (11/5). "We fielded as many as 22 personnel consisting of BTB of West Sumatra Province, BTB Agam, BTB Tanah Datar and BTB Lima Puluh Kota," he said., Head of BTB Dian Aditya Mandana Putri said in addition to building bridges, BTB has also carried out several other emergency response activities such as, the assessment of residents affected by flash floods in Nagari Pasie Laweh, Kec. Tarab River, Goro, also cleaning up water flood materials. "We also provide water kitchen services at Simpang Manunggal Nagari Lima people, as well as establishing a public kitchen in Nagari Sungai Jambu, Pariangan District," he said.

Dian hopes that with quick steps and collaboration from various parties, conditions in West Sumatra can recover soon and people can return to normal life. National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) reported the number of victims of the Mount Marapi lava flood that hit five districts/cities in West Sumatra as many as 58 victims, with details of 35 missing victims who were still in the search process, 1,543 families were affected, and 33 people were injured this Wednesday.

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