JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) strengthens the Indonesian children's song ecosystem through the Kita Cinta Lagu Anak Indonesia (KILA) Program.

"Since it was held in 2020 KILA has strengthened the music ecosystem. Moreover, in two decades Indonesia has lacked children's songs," said Head of the Ministry of Education and Culture's Music Appreciation and Literacy Team Edi Irawan in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from ANTARA, Wednesday, May 15.

Program KILA merupakan ajang kompetisi menyanyi lagu anak dan menutulkan lagu anak nasional yang diselenggarak oleh Kemendikbudristek RI.

KILA can be a forum for expression to restore the availability of Indonesian children's songs that are of Pancasila quality and character.

Moreover, Indonesian children's songs can become one of the media to help children become close to their identities, foster self-confidence, and be proud as Indonesian children.

Even on Friday, May 17, the Ministry of Education and Culture plans to hold a music performance titled Sahabat Anak Indonesia at The Ice Palace, Kuningan, Jakarta, by presenting several winners of the KILA children's singing competition from various generations.

Primary Music Teacher of British School Jakarta Christine Andrean said teachers were happy with the KILA program because students currently have many alternative children's songs besides that of Mrs. Kasur.

"KILA's songs are also more cheerful and the vocabulary is arranged according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI). Hopefully the KILA song can be more socialized," said Christine.

In line with Christine, HR teacher Meruyung, Depok, West Java, Triningsih said KILA was very inspiring to regenerate children's songs.

"We can integrate it during learning. Learn mathematics or IPA with a song about tigers is very interesting," he said.

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