JAKARTA - Suharto has officially assumed the position of Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for Non-Judicial Affairs by taking an oath in front of President Joko Widodo at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday, May 15.

Suharto's appointment as Deputy Chairperson of the Supreme Court for Non-Judicial Affairs was based on Presidential Decree No. 54/P of 2024 concerning Dismissal and Appointment of Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

"By Allah, I swear that I will fulfill the obligations of the Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for Non-Judicial Affairs as well as possible and fairly, uphold the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and carry out all laws and regulations as straight as possible according to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and serve the homeland and nation," Suharto said, saying his oath, quoted from ANTARA.

The ceremony for taking the oath of office began with singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya, reading the Presidential Decree, taking the oath of office, signing the minutes and ending with congratulation.

Also present on the occasion were Vice President Ma'ruf Amin and a number of ministers and related officials.

Previously, the Supreme Court (MA) appointed Supreme Court Justice Suharto as Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court for Non-Judicial Affairs replacing Sunarto who was inaugurated as Deputy Chair of the Supreme Court for Judicial Affairs on April 3, 2023.

Reporting from the official website of the Supreme Court in Jakarta, Tuesday, the determination was made at the Special Plenary Session with the sole agenda of selecting the Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for Non-Judicial Affairs on Monday, April 22 at the Balairung of the Supreme Court, Jakarta.

The election was supposed to be followed by 51 Supreme Court Justices, but only followed by 47 judges who attended the trial.

All have the right to be elected and voted under Law Number 14 of 1985 concerning the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia as amended and supplemented by Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 5 of 2004, and Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 3 of 2009 which stipulates that the Chairman and Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme Court was elected from and by Supreme Court Justices.

There are five names of Supreme Court Justices who expressed their willingness to become candidates for the position, namely Supreme Court Justice Hamdi, Haswandi, Irfan Fachruddin, Pri Pambudi Teguh, and Suharto.

Then, after going through the election in two rounds, Suharto got the most votes, so that it was ratified by MA Chairman M. Syarifuddin as Deputy Chairperson of the Supreme Court for Non-Judicial Affairs elected for the period 2024-2029.

In his remarks at that time Suharto thanked all the Supreme Court Justices who had chosen him to accompany the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

"I don't imagine what the future will be like, but thank God there are still former Deputy Chief Justices of the Supreme Court for Non-Judicial Affairs who I can ask, who can give me directions. This is what strengthens my heart in maintaining the dignity of the Supreme Court in the future," he said.

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