BANTEN - The Tangerang City Health Office (Dinkes) Banten revealed that the implementation of fogging to eradicate Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes is not an absolute or not the main solution. β€œIt is important for the people of Tangerang City to understand that not all situations require fogging. Too often, requests for fogging arise when there is a case of dengue fever, even though without other actions such as preventing environmental sanitation, fogging will only kill adult mosquitoes without affecting mosquito larvae and eggs,” said Head of Tangerang City Health Office, dr. Dini Anggraeni in Tangerang, Antara, Monday, May 13. Based on data from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), until early March 2024, dengue cases had reached 16 thousand on a national scale. This number jumped 130.3 percent compared to last year. Dini also explained that fogging can indeed help kill the Aedes Aegypti adult mosquito, but the effect is only temporary and ineffective in eradicating dengue as a whole. In fact, fogging smoke can affect health. Then fogging only creates a false sense of security among the public and diverts attention from the prevention of dengue fever. "Actually, what is more effective is 3M Plus and PHBS. Fogging is just a way to calm the public at the expense of other health,” he said Meanwhile, effective ways to eradicate dengue fever are 3M Plus, such as draining the bathtub, toren and other water reservoirs at least once a week. Then closing tightly the water reservoirs such as tubs, torens and drums, burying used goods that can hold rainwater such as cans, used tires and plastic bottles, plus, placing apates or larvae in water reservoirs, maintaining larvae, planting mosquito exhaust plants and cleaning the environment regularly. Then involve all family members and the community in the activity of eradicating mosquito nests, namely by implementing the one-house program of one larva monitoring interpreter. Then use a safe and effective mosquito medicine according to the instructions of use. Also use mosquito larvae. The most known larvae killer is temephos.
"This drug is very effective, although it is used in low doses," he said.

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