The Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto agrees that the figure of Soekarno or Bung Karno who is the First President of the Republic of Indonesia belongs to all circles.

This was conveyed by Hasto in response to the statement of the elected president for the 2024-2029 period, Prabowo Subianto, who said that Soekarno did not only belong to one party but to all Indonesian citizens. The general chairman of the Gerindra Party conveyed this when attending the Technical Guidance and National Coordination Meeting of PAN at JS Luwansa, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Thursday, May 9.

"What Mr. Prabowo said was indeed Bung Karno not only belonging to the Indonesian people but also to the citizens of the nation," Hasto told reporters at the National Gallery, Jakarta, Monday, May 13.

"Because Bung Karno aspires to reshuffle an anarchic international system into an international system that prioritizes equality between citizens of the nation that opposes various forms of oppression in all aspects of life, puts humanity first, even Bung Karno's justice proposes Pancasila to be a charter from the United Nations to build a new world system," he continued.

Even though it belongs to all Indonesian citizens, Hasto said that PDIP does feel attached to Bung Karno. This is because the party founded by the proclaimer, namely the Indonesian National Party (PNI), became the root of Megawati Soekarnoputri's party.

PDIP consistently describes Bung Karno's ideas, ideas, thoughts, ideals in all breaths of party life and the life of the nation and state. So, because of the emotional bonding, PDIP is the most consistent in describing all Bung Karno's thoughts," he explained.

"If other parties will also carry out the same thing as PDIP, with Bung Karno's emotional bonding, Bung Karno's thoughts, yes, of course we welcome it," continued the former member of the DPR RI.

Prabowo when attending the PAN event said that Bung Karno belonged to all Indonesian people. Even though there are those who claim, right, it's always that Bung Karno seems to belong to a party. No. Bung Karno belongs to all Indonesian people," he said at the time.

In fact, Prabowo said he felt supported by Soekarno. The reason is that he always fights for the vision of the proclaimer, one of which is that Indonesia is independent and stands on his own feet.

"Indonesia does not want to be a country that depends on other countries," he concluded.

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