JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono conducted a groundbreaking for the construction of a waste processing facility to reduce fuel (RDF) plant in Rorotan, North Jakarta.

RDF Plant Rorotan is the waste processing facility for energy at the coal level, the second time the DKI Provincial Government has built it. The first RDF plant was built at TPST Bantargebang, Bekasi, West Java, and is now operating.

"This is the largest in Indonesia. It can process 2 500 tons of waste per day and produce 800 tons of RDF waste. This is the smallest part, the local government's efforts to control waste," Heru said at the location, Monday, May 13.

In the construction process, the DKI Provincial Government spent Rp1.28 trillion from the APBD. The target is that construction work will be completed in December 2024, then operate in 2025.

RDF Plant Rorotan was built on land owned by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government covering an area of 7.87 hectares located in Rorotan Village, Cilincing District.

In fact, the DKI Provincial Government has long planned to build a waste processing facility into electricity, namely an intermediate treatment facility (ITF) in the Sunter area.

However, the construction stalled and the provincial government switched to building RDF plants. Heru explained, if you build ITF, the government has a responsibility for waste management costs or tipping fees to private partners which reach trillions of rupiah per year.

"There are many other technologies that can also be applied in DKI Jakarta, but as much as possible the DKI Provincial Government avoids tipping fees," he said.

Continuing, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Environment Agency, Asep Kuswanto, added that after the construction of the RDF Plant Rorotan is completed, it is hoped that it can increase the efficiency of waste transportation in the city.

"Of the 16 sub-districts of the service area, which were originally entirely headed for TPST Bantargebang, after this construction is completed, it will be transported and immediately processed at this facility," he said.

He explained that the Jakarta RDF Plant is the second project of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in processing waste into alternative fuel or RDF.

Previously, a similar facility had also been built at the Bantargebang TPST which has been operating since 2023. RDF is an alternative fuel that is processed from waste processing with a liquid value of RDF equivalent to young coal.

"If we average, Jakarta's waste is 7,500 tons per day. Of these 7,500 tons, 2500 tons can enter here. So 30 percent of Jakarta's waste can be processed here. Hopefully this will also reduce our dependence on the Bantargebang TPST," explained Asep.

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