YOGYAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission aka the KPK is an institution related to efforts to eradicate corruption in our country. The KPK is led by parties called the KPKS leadership. So, what do you think the requirements for the KPK leadership?

The reason is, the KPK leadership must be able to meet certain conditions that have been regulated in the KPK Law. Let's look at the points.

Regarding KPK Leadership

Reported by the official website, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is a state institution within the executive power clump which in carrying out its duties and authorities is independent and free from the influence of any power. The KPK is led by the KPK leadership who hold positions for 4 years and can be re-elected only for one term.

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is led by the KPK leadership consisting of 5 people, including a leader who is concurrently a member and 4 deputy chairmen who are concurrent members. The five KPK leaders are state officials, who come from government factors and elements of society.

Reporting from recruitment.KPK.go.id, the provisions of the KPK leadership are contained in Article 29 of Law No. 30 of 2022 concerning the Corruption Eradication Commission. What are the terms in question?

1. Indonesian citizens;

2. Have Technical Competency, Managerial Competency, and Cultural Social Competency according to the established Position Competency Standards;

3. Have a good track record of position, integrity and morality;

4. Physical and spiritual health;

5. Never convicted of imprisonment based on a court decision that already has permanent legal force for committing a criminal act with imprisonment;

6. Never dismissed with respect, not at his own request or dishonorably as a civil servant, Indonesian National Army soldiers, members of the Indonesian National Police, employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission or dishonorably dismissed as private employees;

7. Get approval/recommendation from the Civil Service Guidance Officer or the official who gets a delegation for that;

8. Not currently in the process of criminal examination or disciplinary violation and/or never serving criminal punishment or moderate and/or severe discipline in accordance with the provisions of the legislation;

9. Submit an application letter signed by the Applicants and with a stamp of IDR 10,000, - addressed to the Open Selection Committee for the Filling of Middle High Leadership Positions or Primary in the Corruption Eradication Commission in 2023;

10. Committed to signing the Integrity Pact and willing to work at the Corruption Eradication Commission for at least 2 (two) years;

11. Do not have affiliation and/or become administrators/members of political parties; and

12. Not directly or indirectly involved in organizations that are prohibited by the government and/or based on court decisions.

Special Requirements

For applicants of Middle High Leadership Positions:

For applicants for Primary High Leadership Positions:

Also read: Former KPK Investigators: Please Candidates For KPK Leaderships Have Integrity And Better Trace Record.

So after knowing the requirements of the KPK leadership, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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