Jambi Police revealed a murder case committed by FH against a robber with the initials E in Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency because the perpetrator tried to defend himself. "FH, which was initially stabbed by E, defended because he was injured by E," said Director of General Criminal Investigation at the Jambi Police, Kombes Andri Ananta Yudhistira when releasing the development of the case in Jambi, Antara, Sunday, May 12. The murder case occurred on Tuesday, April 30 when FH and his younger brother with the initials LH rode a motorcycle in Taman Raja Village, Tungkal Ulu District, Tanjabbar Regency. On the way, FH and LH were stopped by two robbers with the initials E and H. The two perpetrators asked FH and LH for money. Because they did not get the money they wanted, perpetrators E and H committed violence against FH and LH. Perpetrator E had injured FH with a sharp weapon that hit FH's left palm while trying to fend off the perpetrator's attack. With his left hand injured, FH hit perpetrator E until he fell. At that time, FH took a knife from his vehicle and stabbed a knife into the stomach of perpetrator E. As a result, perpetrator E died. Meanwhile, perpetrator H had time to fight back. However, FH stabbed the knife he was holding into H's left rib. FH was later arrested by the police on May 2, 2024 and named a suspect a day later. FH was initially subject to Article 351 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code concerning persecution that resulted in death. Police investigators are conducting further investigations into murder cases based on statements from FH, LH and H, which were obtained that the perpetrators of the robbery H and E initially stabbed FH and LH. Dari keterangan ketiganya dan barang bukti serta keterangan saksi ahli, polisi akhirnya menggunakan pasal 49 KUHP tentang pengadungan terpaksa yang dilakukan oleh FH. Andri emphasized that the police had examined at least 25 witnesses in handling this case. "To provide justice and legal certainty, we will stop cases 351 paragraphs 2 and 3 because there are new facts tested based on the information and evidence from 25 witnesses and examination of expert witnesses at hospitals, treatment handling and the Forensic Laboratory," he said.
Furthermore, the police will conduct a case related to article 49 regarding the forced defense carried out by FH.

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