JAKARTA - The Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini (Risma) said he would go to Jambi and visit the Anak Dalam Tribe. This is done as an effort to deal with problems in isolated communities.

"We will try to deal with the problems of isolated communities. So I will go to the Anak Dalam Tribe in Jambi," said Risma as a speaker at the 2021 National Disaster Management Coordination Meeting which was broadcast on BNPB YouTube, Tuesday, March 9.

In addition to Jambi, the plan is that the former Surabaya mayor will also come to East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). During the visit, later on, the government will try to help a number of remote villages by providing computers.

Later, those in remote or isolated places will be taught to use technology. This is trying to be done to improve their abilities, so that it can bring benefits to them.

"I will try, we will help computers in remote villages," said Risma.

So what about electricity to turn on the computer? Bearing in mind, there are still many remote areas that have not yet had electricity.

Responding to this, Minister of Social Affairs Risma said, apparently there is a generator to distribute electricity without the need for fuel such as diesel. "So there is no need to use fuel. That means, in the forest you can (use it, red) because you don't need fuel," he said.

Apart from trying to provide computers for people in remote places, the Ministry of Social Affairs will also work together with the Ministry of Transportation to provide access for residents in remote places to meet their basic needs.

"We have to believe and believe that God does give us trials, but we must be optimistic that we can live and succeed as a nation and a country that we must believe in," he concluded.

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