The owner of the ATM card with the initials DK (30) is still undergoing intensive examination at the Pulogadung Police Criminal Investigation Unit on Friday, May 10.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Pulogadung Police, AKP Wahyudi, explained that from the results of the examination, the perpetrator was a single player.

"He plays alone. In Pulogadung there is no (recording of the perpetrator's crime) for the first time," he said.

However, outside the Pulogadung area, the perpetrators have carried out the same action in the Banten area, West Java.

"He has (acted) in other areas. In the Pandeglang area, he admitted. But he has only been arrested here, at the Pulogadung Police," he said.

The perpetrator admitted that he had only once attempted theft by blocking a card at an ATM machine in the Pulogadung area.

"I learned from youtube. I have acted twice but failed continuously, it has not been successful," said DK to VOI at the Pulogadung Police, Friday, May 10.

Even so, the police are still digging up the information of the perpetrators in order to match the crime at another scene.

Previously, it was reported that a perpetrator of theft of the Mandiri Cash Pavilion (ATM) card was arrested by residents while carrying out his action in a minimarket in the Rawamangun area, Pulogadung District, East Jakarta.

The perpetrator is known to have the initials DK (30) from Banten. When arrested, the perpetrator's actions were known by the victim who was a woman.

Aldi, a minimarket employee, said that at the time of the incident there was one person. The perpetrator's actions were discovered when the victim's stolen ATM card, which was exchanged, fell and was known to the victim.

"He found out that when he entered the card again, the pin was wrong. Then his mother's card (victim) fell, didn't know it was his mother's card (victim). Then he shouted immediately, the perpetrator was arrested," Aldi told reporters at the scene, Friday, May 10.

During the search, dozens of cards of various banks belonging to the perpetrators were found.

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