PONTIANAK - The Governor of West Kalimantan, Sutarmidji said that the current level of the COVID-19 outbreak has increased sharply. Residents are asked to obey health protocols (prokes).

"Today I need to inform you that the results of the PCR laboratory for Untan and the regions show that the level of COVID-19 outbreaks is quite high and has increased sharply compared to the previous day," said Sutarmidji in Pontianak, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, March 9.

Sutarmidji, who is familiarly called Bang Midji, appealed to the people of West Kalimantan to keep wearing masks, keep their distance and wash their hands and not create crowds.

"Take care of our immunity and stay in shape. If there are symptoms of not feeling well, check immediately," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the West Kalimantan Health Office, Dr. Harisson, said that based on the examination of 348 COVID-19 samples carried out on Tuesday, March 9, there were 50 new positive confirmed cases of COVID-19.

"For new confirmed cases, there are 50 people and 16 of them are being treated in hospital," he said.

Harisson explained that the 50 new samples came from Pontianak City, as many as nine people, Landak Regency with 27 people, Mempawah four people, Kubu Raya two people, Sintang five people, Sanggau one, Bengkayang one, and Ketapang one person.

There were 44 confirmed cases of recovery, namely in Pontianak City, eight people, Kubu Raya four people, Kapuas Hulu two people and Landak 12 people.

Then, Sintang was six people, Bengkayang five people, Mempawah six people and Kayong Utara one. The public is urged to continue to implement health protocols.

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