SURABAYA - Deputy Chairman of Commission C of the Surabaya DPRD, Aning Rahmawati, assessed that the budget for flooding in the municipal government has not taken sides with the residents. Even though the Surabaya APBD is quite large, flood management has not yet been completed.

"This shows that there has not been any serious intervention by the Surabaya City Government in overcoming floods," said Aning as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, March 9.

According to Aning, if traced in detail, the Surabaya City Government is still basing flood management on the Surabaya Drainage Master Plan (SDMP). Meanwhile, SDMP has certain limitations or scope related to the drainage planning of Surabaya City

"The existence of budget limitations is a major factor in the limitation or scope of the study," said Aning.

Aning hopes that the flood management planning that has not been included in the SDMP can be detailed in the Tertiary Network Drainage System (SDJT) and the Residential Environmental Drainage System (SDLP). In fact, there are still many SDJT studies that have not been made by the municipal government, let alone SDLP.

"This SDLP examines in real terms flood management in housing, villages, as well as its connections with city channels. This is the key why the floods in residential neighborhoods are not getting smaller, but getting wider," said the woman who graduated from Environmental Engineering at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS).

In addition, he said, another factor that turned out to have a big influence on flooding and was developing very fast, was the development and conversion of land functions in the city of Surabaya.

According to him, the recommendations from SDMP-SDJT-SDLP that should be done are irrelevant in the development process due to changes or changes in land functions.

Of course this is related to the relationship between drainage recommendations for the issuance of Building Construction Permits (IMB) which have not been able to answer the challenge of accommodating channel discharge capacity.

Therefore, his party recommends the Surabaya Public Works (PU) Office so that any drainage development must really be able to make a reservoir with a capacity that meets the appropriate return period.

To regulate it, Aning said there is a need for a Regional Regulation (Perda) on Flood Management. The regional regulation is to regulate the conversion of land functions by entrepreneurs / developers and the community related to development.

In addition, this Perda, according to him, can also make more innovative regulations to reduce water discharge or the capacity that arises after land conversion.

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