KARAWANG-President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated the Nila Salin Fish Cultivation Pilot managed by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) in the Karawang area, West Java.

"By saying Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, this afternoon I inaugurate the modeling of the copy fish cultivation pond area at the Aquaculture Production Business Service Center in Karawang Regency, West Java Province," President Jokowi said in a speech at the event, quoted from ANTARA, Wednesday, May 8.

Modeling tilapia cultivation, located in Sukajadi Hamlet, North Pusakajaya, Cilebar District, is expected by the President to seize promising global market opportunities.

"Tambak tilapia memiliki permintaan pasar dunia yang sangat besar. Tahun 2024 saja 14,4 miliar dolar AS, kurang lebih Rp230-an triliun sangat gede sekali," katanya.

The modeling of tilapia copy fish cultivation is the breakthrough of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono which was built since 2023 with an area of 80 hectares.

Based on a press release from the Ministry of KKP, the land was originally a shrimp pond built by President Suharto since 1984 under the name Pandu Tambak Inti Rakyat Project and stopped in 1998.

Since the program did not run, the shrimp pond land has been contaminated, thus becoming a state asset without a function for decades.

The tilapia copy fish cultivation, which was built with an investment value of up to IDR 76 billion, is now managed by the Cultivation Fisheries Production Business Service Center (BLUPPB).


In addition to the production pool, there are other facilities including Wastewater Management Installation (IPAL), outlet inlets, reservoirs, and laboratories. The production process has also prioritized the latest technology, one of which is the use of automatic feed machines.

Modeling productivity is expected to reach around 7,020 tons per cycle or Rp. 210.6 billion, assuming the selling price of tilapia fish is copyable to Rp. 30 thousand per kg. From the assumption of economic counting with a production cost of Rp. 24,500 per kg, modeling will generate a profit of around Rp. 38.6 billion.

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