The Directorate General of Customs and Excise at the Ministry of Finance noted that 43 brands have been registered in the intellectual property record system owned by Customs and Excise in collaboration with related ministries/agencies since 2018-May 2024.

Head of the Sub-Directorate of Customs and Excise Crime Sonny Surachman Ramli said the registration of 43 brands to the record system was carried out by 7 intellectual property rights holders, consisting of three foreign companies and four local companies.

"Of the 43 registered brands, as many as 21 brands are foreign brands, while the remaining 22 brands are local brands," said Sonny at the Intellectual Property Crime Forum which was monitored online in Jakarta, Tuesday, May 7, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said brand registration to the Customs record system is increasing every year. In 2018, there were three registered brands, then increased to 11 brands in 2019, 19 brands in 2020, 24 brands in 2021, 26 brands in 2022, 32 brands in 2023, and 43 brands as of May 2024.

Recordation is an activity to enter intellectual property rights data into Customs databases owned by Customs and Excise. Sonny explained that there are at least three general benefits of the record system in Customs and Excise.

First, enforcement of goods suspected of violating intellectual property rights can be carried out at ports of entry or border. He said that in this case, goods that are enforced or prosecuted usually amount to very large numbers, for example one container.

"This prevention is effective and efficient before the results of violations are circulated in the domestic market," he said.

Then the second benefit of the record system, he continued, is to protect business processes from intellectual property rights holders.

In this case, he said that products will be protected from counterfeiting and intellectual property infringement efforts, rights holders can maintain consumer confidence in their products in the market, and maintain brand reputation from slump caused by low quality counterfeit products.

The third benefit, continued Sonny, is from the macro aspect, which will increase investor confidence, both domestic and foreign, and restore international confidence in Indonesia's seriousness in eradicating counterfeit products.

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