The joint SAR team found the bodies of the victim named Mutmita (5) after a search was carried out on the fifth day and Suardi (70) who reportedly disappeared after the flood and landslide disaster on Thursday 3 May in Suli District, Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi (Sulsel).

"The first victim found by the joint SAR team named Mutmita, a five-year-old girl, who was lost in the current during the flood one kilometer southeast of the suspension bridge," said Head of Makassar Basarnas Office Mexianus Bekabel as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 7.

The victim was found dead this morning about one kilometer southeast of the suspension bridge following the river route. After being found, they were evacuated to the funeral home.

In addition, Mexicanus added that the joint SAR team this afternoon also found the second victim under the raft of the victim's sand suction machine which had previously been declared missing since yesterday.

"The second victim on behalf of 70-year-old Suardi was found at around 13.30 WITA as far as 200 meters, under the raft of a sandbooting machine in the Cimpu River," he said.

With the discovery of the two bodies of victims today due to flooding, a total of 13 people were declared dead due to the flood disaster in Luwu Regency.

"The joint SAR post is currently still waiting for information if there are reports from residents who have lost their families, so that we immediately evacuate them," said Mexianus.

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