JAKARTA - Member of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Muhammad Taufik Zoelkifli assessed that restrictions on vehicles in Jakarta would not be implemented immediately when the capital city officially moved to the archipelago, East Kalimantan.

Although regulated in Law Number 2 of 2024 concerning Special Regions for Jakarta (DKJ), vehicle restrictions need to have technical rules.

"There is already a law, but it must be added to the follow-up of the regulations that have not been made," Taufik told reporters, Tuesday, May 7.

The government plans to issue 22 derivative regulations for the DKJ Law consisting of 2 presidential regulations, 3 government regulations, 2 ministerial regulations, 8 regional regulations (perda), and 7 governor regulations (pergub).

"Even if later there is a government regulation that stipulates that Jakarta will become DKJ Province, but the regional regulation regarding limiting the number or age of vehicles does not yet exist. So, it can't be used yet. It's still a bit long, yes. At most, 2 years or 3 years from now," explained Taufik.

Meanwhile, Taufik explained the reason the government plans to limit the number and age of private motorized vehicles in Jakarta. The goal is to reduce congestion and reduce the number of air pollution.

"So, so that as many people use public transportation and their private vehicles are reduced. Then age restrictions are related to pollution. So, if the new vehicles are cleaner, the exhaust gas is cleaner than the old ones," he explained.

For information, in Article 24 paragraph (2) of the DKJ Law, it is stated that the DKJ government has a number of special powers in the fields of road traffic and transportation. One of them is age restrictions and the number of ownership of individual motorized vehicles.

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