JAKARTA - The corona virus or COVID-19 is still endemic in various parts of the world, including Indonesia. The Indonesian government also advised residents to apply social distancing to limit the transmission of this virus. Not only the community, state-owned companies (BUMN) in air and sea transportation have also implemented this system.

President Director of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Faik Fahmi said that his party has implemented social distancing in public service areas at airports. The concept of social distancing is the setting of a minimum distance of one meter between people in the public service area by attaching a distance guide sticker.

This system is also in accordance with the circular letter of the Minister of BUMN regarding the prevention of the spread of COVID-19, and the circular letter of the President Director Number: ED. 15 /KP.10.43.2020/DU concerning Preparedness and Prevention of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) in the PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Environment.

"This effort is a continuation of Angkasa Pura I in applying the concept of social distancing in public service areas to minimize the potential for transmission of the COVID-19 virus in public areas," he said, in Jakarta, Wednesday, March 18.

Faik Fahmi explained, the sticking of a one meter distance guide sticker was carried out in the inspection area when entering the check-in area, every security check point, queuing to enter the lift, checking boarding passes, at fixbridge and aerobics, baggage collection, and in the taxi queue area.

In addition, said Faik, each elevator is labeled with a sticker labeling the maximum capacity facing the elevator passengers. The seating distance between people in the boarding lounge area is also adjusted with the seats facing one direction and everyone sits not next to each other, but one seat is vacated. This is done by labeling the hint or guide sticker.

"We urge passengers and potential airport passengers to be disciplined in following this appeal in order to minimize the potential for transmission of the corona virus and maintain public comfort in the midst of a pandemic like this," he explained.

For your information, PT Angkasa Pura I manages 15 airports, namely Bali I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, Juanda Airport Surabaya, Sultan Hasanuddin Airport Makassar, Balikpapan Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Airport, Biak Frans Kaisiepo Airport, Manado Sam Ratulangi Airport, Banjarmasin Syamsudin Noor Airport , Semarang Ahmad Yani Airport, Yogyakarta Adisutjipto Airport, Yogyakarta International Airport in Kulon Progo, Surakarta Adi Soemarmo Airport, Lombok Praya International Airport, Ambon Pattimura Airport, Kupang El Tari Airport, and Jayapura Sentani Airport.

PELNI also Do it

Meanwhile, PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero) also applies the same thing. PT PELNI also made the concept of limiting the distance between passengers as a form of social distancing carried out by the company to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. Distance restrictions are applied when passengers queue to get on board.

The Head of the PT PELNI (Persero) Corporate Secretary, Yahya Kuncoro, said that management began to require customers to stand at a regulated distance.

"According to the direction we received, we will adjust the distance between passengers and the recommended safe distance, which is above 1 meter," he said.

Yahya revealed that the management will also place officers to help manage the distance between customers and board the ship. "We will make various efforts to minimize the spread of the corona virus in the company's work environment," he said.

Not only for ship passengers, Yahya said, the company also implemented the work from home (WFH) concept for employees as a form of mitigating the spread of the corona virus. In implementing the WFH system, PELNI also maximizes the use of IT such as video teleconferences and utilizes internal applications for coordination.

"Since March 16, 2020, we have implemented the work from home concept, but not all employees have implemented it. Employees in the operational section are still signed in with the picket system to keep the company's business processes running," he said.

The application of social distancing is a further step taken by the company in preventing the spread of the corona virus. Yahya said that previously the management had provided socialization to all employees both at the head office and branch offices as well as to the skipper and crew.

In addition, he continued, the management also sprayed disinfectants on PELNI ships and offices, measured body temperature using a thermogun and placed hand sanitizers in strategic locations.

"Especially on board, we also give an appeal to passengers through loudspeakers every three hours," he explained.

For your information, PELNI as a state-owned company engaged in sea transportation has operated 26 passenger ships and stopped at 83 ports and served 1,100 segments. Apart from passenger transportation, PELNI also serves 45 pioneer ship routes that stop at 275 ports with 3,739 sections.

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