BANDA ACEH - The Aceh Disaster Management Agency (BPBA) recorded as many as 210 people in Subulussalam City were affected by flooding with water levels of up to 50 centimeters due to high rainfall.

"The last condition is that the water is still inundating people's houses," said Acting Head of BPBA Executive Fadmi Ridwan in Banda Aceh, Saturday.

He explained that the flood disaster in Namo Buaya Village, Sultan Daulat District, Subulussalam City began on Saturday (4/5) at around 00:00 WIB.

According to him, the flood incident with water levels starting from 20-50 centimeters occurred due to high-intensity rain accompanied by strong winds in the Subulussalam City area.

The impact was that houses in Namo Buaya Village were submerged, with 210 people affected in 50 families (KK) and no reports of casualties.

BPBD Subulussalam has alerted a rapid reaction team to remain at the flood location to monitor flood heights, as well as coordinate with gampong devices and related agencies.

Meanwhile, BMKG Class I forecaster Sultan Iskandar Muda Putri Rizki Afriza said that in the next few days, residents of the southern western region of Aceh were asked to remain aware of the potential for flooding and other hydrometeorological disasters triggered by high-intensity rain.

"Be aware of the people in the southern western region of Aceh because moderate to heavy rain can still occur which can be accompanied by lightning and strong winds that can cause floods and landslides," he said.

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