JAKARTA - Head of Social Security Protection of Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) as well as a member of the social assistance technical team, Rizki Maulana admitted that Matheus Joko Santoso had deposited IDR 300 million in cash.

Rizki made this statement when he was a witness in the trial of the alleged bribery of social assistance with the defendants Harry Van Sidabukke and Ardian Iskandar Maddanatja.

This admission began when the prosecutor questioned the matter, which Rizki immediately agreed to. But in his statement, he did not really remember the time of depositing the money.

"It was true (money was deposited with it)," said Rizki during a trial at the Corruption Court, Jakarta, Monday, March 8.

Rizki only remembers that the money was deposited by Matheus Joko Santoso at the end of November 2020. The amount reached IDR 300 million.

"300," he said.

"IDR 300 million," he said.

However, the prosecutor did not deepen for whom the money entrusted by Matheus Joko Santoso to Rizki.

For information, Matheus Joko Santoso is Juliari P. Batubara's subordinate who was ordered to manage the social assistance procurement project.

Matheus Joko was appointed as a commitment-making official (PPK) at the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos).

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