Pinaca Synthetic Tobacco Laboratory Controlled By International Networks
Dirresnarkoba Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki (left) shows drug manufacturing equipment at the Mountain View Sentul City housing complex, Bogor Regency, West Java, Sunday (28/4/2024). BETWEEN/HO-Ditresnarkoba Polda Metro Jaya

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya dismantled the presence of a Pinaca type of synthetic tobacco laboratory or factory (MDMP-4en) in the Mountain View Sentul City housing complex, Bogor Regency, West Java. Based on the investigation, the suspects involved are an international network.

"Based on the statements of the suspects, they are a separate network, but they are already an international network," said Head of Sub-Directorate III of Metro Jaya Police Narcotics, AKBP Malvino E. Yustisia to reporters, Tuesday, April 30.

This group is classified as an international network because the raw materials for making Pinaca synthetic tobacco are obtained from abroad.

However, regarding the country of origin, Malvino did not explain in detail. It is only said, after the synthetic tobacco is finished, it will immediately sell it to various regions in Indonesia.

"Because the precursors are carried out on an import basis, yes, and also after becoming the material, it will be confiscated, then distributed nationally," he said.

In this case, five people have been named as suspects. They are controllers or financiers to drug dealers.

"From the controller and financier, then the concoctor, there were two people, the concoctor at this crime scene. Then there was 1 as Marketing and as a warehouse for storing raw materials. And the last one was a buyer of finished raw materials," he said.

In addition, from the results of the deepening, the factory is known to be the first Pinaca synthetic tobacco production site in Indonesia.

"This laboratorium or this house is the first time in Indonesia. Where it produces from raw materials to become seeds or says it becomes finished material for synthetic tobacco," said Malvino.

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