JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo said the implementation of restrictions on micro community activities (PPKM) in Central Java which will end on March 8, 2021 will be extended for the next 14 days.

"So far the development has been good," said Ganjar, after attending the inauguration of the attention creation center (SKA) at the Kartini Disability Center in Temanggung Regency, as reported by Antara, Friday, March 5.

He said the COVID-19 zone in Central Java for each district was orange, while per district there were four red ones. However, per village views have turned yellow and green.

"Citizens to continue to apply health protocols, must not be careless and remain careful. Residents who are scheduled for vaccinations should be injected immediately," he said.

Regarding survivors of the B117 corona virus in Brebes, Ganjar said that tracing had now been carried out. At least, now there are 12 people whose samples have been taken to be brought to Jakarta.

"The first tracing a few days ago was for eight people and then on Friday for 12 people. We don't want to take risks, we do tests and tracing on the contacts for swab tests," he said.

It was said that the residents had actually carried out according to the procedure, namely undergoing isolation or quarantine for five days once they entered the country, because there were no symptoms and were allowed to go home.

"Actually he is already negative from Jakarta, but we do not want to take the risk of who meets him being tested, hopefully in a few days the results will come out," he said.

He said migrant workers and those who had close contact were currently undergoing independent isolation. He has proposed to the local district government to bring to a proper centralized isolation, to make it more comfortable and comfortable while waiting for the results from Jakarta.

Ganjar hopes that there will be a national policy regarding TKI returning home, being thoroughly checked and tested. If you meet other people, do tracing quickly.

"So hopefully we can check the deadlocks to enter the country strictly," he said.

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