JAKARTA - The head of the Law Team for Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD, Todung Mulya Lubis, said that the trial of the 2024 presidential election dispute was the moment that was awaited. It is hoped that the Panel of Judges of the Constitutional Court (MK) will decide this case progressively.

This was conveyed by Todung at the Mandarin Orental Hotel, Central Jakarta before leaving for the Constitutional Court Building today, Monday, April 22. They left by bus with candidate pair number three, Ganjar-Mahfud.

These are the moments we are waiting for. A very historic moment for this nation. We are waiting for the decision of the Constitutional Court which is very historical, very historic, and we have optimism to listen to progressive decisions," Todung told reporters at the location.

Todung ensured that whatever decision read by the Constitutional Court would be obeyed by his camp. "We will respect the Constitutional Court's decision. We will carry it out," he said.

This lawyer also said that the Constitutional Court's decision was the determinant of the life of the state in the future. "We can ask ourselves, how honest we are with ourselves," said Todung.

"To what extent are we honest with God Almighty, to what extent are we honest with the constitution, to what extent are we honest with democracy," continued the senior lawyer.

As previously reported, the Constitutional Court held a trial to read the decision on the dispute over the results of the 2024 presidential election (PHPU) on Monday, April 22. The reading will be held at 09.00 WIB.

"There are two decisions. Joined in the same courtroom in the same assembly," said Head of the Legal and Administrative Bureau of the Constitutional Court Fajar Laksono to reporters, Friday, April 19. This decision was read out separately according to the case registration number submitted by Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar and Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD. The Constitutional Court confirmed that it had sent a letter containing a predetermined schedule to each camp and the KPU as the respondent, Prabowo-Gibran and his attorney, along with Bawaslu as the related parties.

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