BOGOR - Bima Arya Sugiarto said goodbye to residents before handing over positions with the acting mayor (pj). The mayor of Bogor conveyed a message before he officially took office.

"I keep the good ones maintained, cared for. All good public facilities are maintained and cared for," Bima said as quoted by Antara at Sempur Field, Bogor City, Saturday.

Bima said he was proud to leave Bogor City with the condition of the residents who were getting better and proud of his city. He also advised residents to continue to criticize the next leader.

"Continue to criticize the next government. Give input to the next mayor, fully support the acting mayor," he said.

Bima said that there is still a lot of homework (PR) that must be completed in Bogor City. Just like residents, Bima wants the mass transportation of Biskita Transpapua to be added, and other public facilities.

"Want the Pajajaran Sports Hall to be built, the Bubulak and Baranangsiang terminals will be revitalized as soon as possible, wanting the market to be cleaner," he said.

Therefore, Bima reminded residents not to choose the mayor wrong so that all unfinished homework can be completed, and to continue the good program.

"That's why don't choose the mayor's fault. Choose who can perfect the incomplete. Complete the unfinished. But the good, keep on the track (according to the track)," said Bima.

Accompanied Bima, Deputy Mayor of Bogor Dedie A. Rachim also said goodbye to the residents of Bogor City. Both are scheduled to accept positions at Gedung Sate, Bandung, West Java this afternoon. (KR-SBN)

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