MEULABOH- The Regional General Election Commission / Independent Election Commission (KPUD / KIP) of Aceh Province, began recruiting 149,316 officers from the Ad Hoc agency for the 2024 Pilkada spread across 23 districts / cities in Aceh.

"We will carry out this recruitment following the end of the term of duty of the Ad Hoc Election in 2024 on April 4, 2024," said Deputy Chairperson of the KPUD/KIP Aceh Province, Agusni, quoted from ANTARA, Friday, April 19.

He said that the formation of the 2024 Aceh Pilkada Adhoc Board includes sub-district level operators (PPK), village-level voting committees (PPS), voter data updating committees (PPDP) for each polling station, as well as polling committee groups (KPPS).

There is also the number of election organizers in 2024 which will be recruited by district/city KIP in Aceh, including 1,450 sub-district election committees spread across 290 sub-districts in Aceh, 19,497 voting committees spread across 5,499 villages/gampongs in Aceh.

Furthermore, 16,046 voter data updating committees (PPDP) spread throughout Aceh, as well as 112,322 polling committee groups (KPPS) who will serve at 16,046 polling stations in 6,499 villages/gampongs in Aceh.

Agusni said the recruitment process would later be carried out openly through the Information System Application of KPU members and the Ad Hoc Agency (SIAKBA).

According to him, the recruitment and selection process is expected to run well as recruitment in the needs of the 2024 General Election.

KIP Aceh ensured that 23 Regencies/Cities recruited Ad Hoc in accordance with the regulations and results of the National Coordination Meeting in Jakarta on April 17-19, openly as for the last election using the SIAKBA application.

Meanwhile, the basis for the recruitment law was carried out by the General Election Commission Decree Number 438 of 2022 concerning the Determination of the Information System Application for Members of the General Election Commission and the Ad Hoc Body as a Special Application for the General Election Commission.


Agusni said PPK and PPS officers would later carry out their duties for eight months from the time they were officially recruited, while PPDP and KPPS carried out their duties for one month.

"Regarding the honorarium, the officers are adjusted to technical instructions and PKPU, and it is hoped that the figures can be similar to the 2024 General Election," said Agusni.

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