JAKARTA - Member of Commission I DPR RI Dave Laksono encouraged an investigation into the incident of clashes between the TNI and Polri in Sorong, Southwest Papua. This is for the sake of recovering the synergy between the TNI and Polri in securing conflict-prone areas.

"I call for an investigation into this problem, so that it can be resolved properly," said Dave, Monday, April 15. Dave admitted that he regretted the clashes that occurred between the two institutions. Moreover, Dave said, conflicts occurred in conflict-prone areas where the TNI Police should be solidly dealing with the Free Papua Organization (OPM). "The conflict between the apparatus should not occur, especially in areas where there should be a common enemy," said the Golkar legislator. According to Dave, the cause of the conflict must be investigated immediately so that similar incidents do not happen in the future. Especially in the Papua region.

"We study and explore the causes and causes first, what sparked the chaos," said Dave. It is known that members of the Indonesian Navy were involved in clashes with Brimob members at Sorong Port, Southwest Papua today, Sunday, April 14. This incident occurred at the departure entrance at around 09.30 WIT.

"At the entrance to the waiting room for the departure of the Pelindo IV Sorong Office, Southwest Papua, there has been a fight between members of the Mobile Brigade of the Southwest Papua Police and members of the Indonesian Navy, Marhanlan XIV/Sorong," said Head of the Information Center at TNI Headquarters Major General Nugraha Gumilar to reporters, Sunday, April 14.

Nugraha said the incident was based on a misunderstanding between Brimbob members who were reprimanded by members of the Indonesian Navy. This incident injured five people.

"Currently, he has been hospitalized," he said.

Nugraha said the leaders had tried to control his subordinates. Mediation is also carried out to resolve the misunderstanding.

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