The Kendari Basarnas Rescue Team is searching for a man who is reported missing in the forest of Mata Wawatu Village, North Moramo District, South Konawe Regency (Konsel), Southeast Sulawesi Province (Sultra).
Head of Basarnas Kendari Muhammad Arafah said that the man was named Wahyu, a resident of Mata Wawatu Village, North Moramo.
The loss of the victim was first informed by the Mata Wawatu Village apparatus, that one person was missing in the forest of Mata Wawatu Village, North Moramo.
"The victim was reported missing on Sunday at 15.35 WITA," said Muhammad Arafah when contacted in Kendari, Antara, Sunday, April 14.
Based on the report, his party dispatched the Kendari Basarnas Rescue Team to an informed location using a rescue car to provide SAR assistance.
"Arriving at the location, the team immediately conducted a search with the help of the local police," he said.
He said that several elements involved in the search included the Kendari Basarnas, North Moramo Police, Mata Wawatu Village officials, surrounding communities, and the families of the victims.
"The main tools used are rescue cars, evacuation palsars, medical palsars, communication equipment, and other safety support equipment," said Muhammad Arafah.
He explained that the disappearance of the victim began when he left the house without his purpose and purpose. The victim at that time walked into the forest and passed by one of the residents who had just left the forest.
"Until this information was received, the victim had not returned. The search had been carried out by the community and the victim's family, with no results," said Muhammad Arafah.
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