BBPOM Medan Finds 18 Facilities Not Fulfilling Provisions During Ramadan
Head of the Center for Drug and Food Supervision in Medan Martin Suhendri Sitepu. BETWEEN/HO-BBPOM in Medan
MEDAN - Head of the Center for Drug and Food Supervisory (BBPOM) in Medan Martin Suhendri Sitepu stated that as many as 18 facilities did not meet the provisions during Ramadan 1445 Hijri. "Of the 18 facilities or places of business found that did not meet the requirements, including damaged food, food without distribution or reference permits used in making receipts, storage, displays, distribution, or distribution of processed food or CPPOB," he said in Medan, Antara, Sunday, April 14. Then, he said, BBPOM instructed the owner to destroy the food so that it would not be sold again. He said the takjil supervision in Medan City consisted of 10 locations in Medan including USU, PRSU, Ramadhan Fair, Marelan, Medan Denai, and others. "In addition, seven locations outside Medan are Binjai, Deli Serdang, Langkat, Tebing Tinggi, Serdang Bedagai, Pematang Siantar and Batu Bara," he said. Connecting Martin, sampling was carried out on 179 traders and 490 takjil samples with test parameters being carried out were 295 formalin test samples, 289 borax test samples, 155 methanil yellow test samples and 140 rhodamin test samples B. "The test was carried out using a test kit with the results obtained that all samples met the requirements," he said.
Martin added that his party continues to carry out routine post-Lebaran activities by focusing on the rest of the parcels and others to watch out for. "In addition, we are still wary of food goods for foreign and local arrivals," he said.

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