PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk supports the discretion of the Police to implement one way traffic engineering for the backflow period of Idufitri 1445H on the Trans Java Toll Road from Semarang to Cikampek.

Traffic engineering one way is enforced on Saturday, April 13 since 15.00 WIB. Previously, two hours of lane cleaning had been carried out since 13.00 WIB.

Jasa Marga Marketing and Communication Department Head Faiza Riani explained that one way traffic engineering was implemented starting from KM 414 Kalikangkung Toll Gate (GT) Batang-Semarang Toll Road to KM 72 Cipali Toll Road.

The implementation of one-way traffic engineering is based on traffic counting volume indicators located along KM 414 of the Batang-Semarang Toll Road to KM 190 of the Palikanci Toll Road, which is monitored for 3 consecutive hours and the number of traffic volumes in that period is recorded above the indicator.

"With the end of the one way point at KM 72, road users from Jakarta heading towards the Cipali Toll Road/Trans Java Toll Road will be diverted to exit at GT Cikampek KM 72. The Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road and continue its journey through the Pantura national road. As for the route for road users from Jakarta to Bandung is still normal," said Faizal, Saturday, April 13.

Faizal said, considering that in yesterday's homecoming flow, a number of traffic engineering has also been implemented, to ensure the smooth flow of traffic on backflow, his party continues to collaborate with the Police, the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, the Ministry of Transportation, and the Ministry of PUPR in monitoring toll road traffic volume indicators through traffic counting which is a recommendation for the implementation of the necessary traffic engineering scenario.

For road users who go through the one way route, he continued, Jasa Marga urges not to be euphoric in driving. Still complying with the required speed limit. Prohibited from switching lanes in locations that are not supposed to, prohibited from breaking through barriers to change lanes and also prohibited from moving lanes suddenly.

"This is not only endangering yourself but also other drivers," added Faizal.

In addition, road users should not stop on the shoulder of the road while on the one way route except in an emergency condition. Rest areas on toll road routes that are applied one way will continue to operate normally, including rest areas that are in the opposite direction or the right lane.

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