BOGOR - The flow of public vehicle traffic towards the Puncak tourist area, Bogor Regency, West Java, on Saturday 13 April morning, D+3 Lebaran 2024 began to occur overcrowding. The density marked by vehicle queues occurred starting from the exit access to the Jagorawi Toll Road, exit access to the Gadog Intersection and exit access towards Ciawi Market. PT Jasamarga also imposed traffic engineering against the current or contraflow on the Jagorawi Toll Road. "In order to break down the density of traffic silaturahim and tourism on the Jagorawi Toll Road at 06.18 WIB, the police discretion has been enforced, contraflow has been enforced," said Senior Manager of Representative Office 1 Jasamarga Metropolitan Tollroad Regional Division Alvin Anditah Singarimbun as reported by ANTARA. With the contraflow on the toll road, the lane that vehicles can travel towards Puncak increases from two lanes to three lanes, plus the shoulder of the road. Meanwhile, the current from the opposite direction is limited to one lane plus shoulder of the road. The contraflow is enforced only about 2 kilometers ranging from KM 44+500 to KM 46+500, or from the Ciawi Tollroad Gate to the Gadog area in order to separate the vehicle flow between two adjacent Jagorawi Toll Exit accesses. Meanwhile, the condition of the flow of vehicle traffic in the opposite direction is in normal conditions. Likewise, the flow of vehicles advancing towards Sukabumi via the Bocimi Toll is still in normal conditions because it is only used in one direction. The traffic flow in Puncak at the Eid holiday moment of Eid 2024 is regulated by the police by the system by calculating the number of incoming vehicles and those out of the Peak area. The police will also perform one-way traffic engineering or one-way to unravel the density.
Previously, the Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police predicted that the peak of the backflow of Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijri would occur on Sunday 14 and Monday, April 15, so that travelers were advised to avoid the peak of the backflow by returning early or later. The police also appealed to motorists to ensure their health condition and warned the public not to force driving if the concentration had decreased and felt tired.
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