LAMPUNG - The backflow of four-wheeled vehicles that want to cross to Merak Port, Banten on D+2 Lebaran 2024 continues to arrive and crowd the parking pockets of Bakauheni Port, South Lampung.

The four-wheeled vehicle continued to arrive until it packed the parking pockets of the Regular Pier and executives of Bakauheni Port from noon to evening.

The driver at Bakauheni Port was seen starting to crowd the place from 14.30 to 16.00 WIB, reported by ANTARA, Friday, April 12.

Not only four vehicles crowded the port, it appears that a number of two-wheeled vehicles and buses also continue to arrive until they crowd the parking space of Bakauheni Port.

A number of police officers, TNI, and ASDP officers were seen busy regulating the flow of traffic inside the port.

Based on 24-hour data from the post of PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) Bakauheni branch, on Friday or D+2 Lebaran 2024 it crossed 8,674 vehicles with details of 3,041 two-wheeled vehicles, 5,371 four-wheelers, 168 buses, and 394 trucks.

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