JAKARTA - The history of the Democratic Party has become a new issue in the conflict debate on the holding of the Extraordinary Congress (KLB).

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) is said to have played little role in building the Democratic Party. Some of the founders even stated that SBY was not the founder of the party because the first general chairman of the Democratic Party only appeared before the members after resigning as the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs during the era of the 5th President, Megawati Soekarnoputri.

"Pak SBY, after resigning from Mrs. Megawati's cabinet, just appeared at a Democrat Party event at the Kinasih Hotel in Bogor. This confirms that SBY is not the founder of the Democratic Party," said former PD politician Jhoni Allen Marbun in a distributed video, quoted Monday, March 1.

Jhoni revealed that SBY only joined the Democrat Party after the cadres took pains to pass the party in the General Election Commission (KPU) verification to participate in the 2004 elections.

"SBY did not sweat at all. Moreover, he bled," he said.

SBY, it is said, only contributed Rp. 100 million in the form of four travel checks in his participation in the 2004 Election.

"SBY joined the Democrat Party after passing the KPU verification by including the late Mrs. Ani Yudhoyono as one of the Deputy General Chairmen. And only donated Rp. 100 million in the form of four travel checks at hotels in Bogor," he explained.

Jhoni explained that the founding of the Democratic Party was carried out by 99 party founders in Jakarta.

Out of 99 Founders, There is No Name of SBY

One of the founders of the Democratic Party, Hencky L Fortune, said that SBY had only joined the Democratic Party in 2004. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party has been formed since 2001.

On August 20, 2001, Vence Rumangkang, assisted by Sutan Bhatoegana, tried to gather people to realize the formation of a political party.

In the end, Team 9 consisting of 10 members was formed whose task was to finalize the concepts of the establishment of a political party, namely Vence Rumangkang, Ahmad Mubarok, A. Yani Wachid, Subur Budhisantoso; Irzan Tanjung, RMH. Heroe Syswanto Ns, RF. Saragjh, Dardji Darmodihardjo, and Rizald Max Rompas, and T Rusli Ramli, MS.

However, to become a Party ratified by the Party Law it takes a minimum of 50 (fifty) people as its founders. However, the thought emerged that not only 50 people, but only 99 (ninety nine) were equipped.

On September 9, 2001, at Graha Pratama Building, Floor XI, South Jakarta in front of Notary Aswendi Kamuli, SH., 46 out of 99 people stated that they were willing to become Democratic Party Founders and were present to sign the Deed of Establishment of the Democratic Party. The remaining 53 (fifty three) people were not present but gave a power of attorney to Brother Vence Rumangkang.

The management was drafted and it was agreed that the criteria for the Candidates for General Chairman were native Indonesian sons, born in Java and were Muslim, while the Candidates for Secretary General were from outside the island of Java and were Christians. After the research was held, Vence Rumangkang asked Prof. Dr. Subur Budhisantoso as Acting Chairman and Prof. Dr. Irsan Tandjung as Acting Secretary.

The following is a list of the founders of the Democratic Party:

1.Vence Rumangkang2.Ir.Hari Purnomo3.Drs.Achmad Yanni Wahid (late) 4.Ganne H. Notowijoyo5.Drs.Sutan Bhatoegana, MBA.6.RMH.Heroe Syswanto7.Prof. Dr. Irzan Tandjung8.Prof.Ir.Max Rompas M Agr.9.Prof.Ir.Bonny Ferdinand Sampie.MS.10.Prof. Dr.St RF Saragih, SH.MS.11.Drs.Wisnu Heryanto K.12.Prof.Dr.Ir. Siegfried B MS, MA pp Sc.13.Prof. Dr. Rusli Ramli, MS. 14.Prof. Dardji Darmodihardjo15.Prof.Dr. Subur Budhisantoso16.RH. Probo Subagyo17.DR. Achmad Mubarok, MA18.Vera Vebriyanti, BBA19.Utari20.Bertha Herawati, SH21.Reyner F Kodoatie, SH22.Ade Rahmat Komara, SE, MM23.Dr. Ir, Tresna P. Soemardi, Ph.D24. Abraham Rahardjo Elias25.Ir. Husein Salim Abdul, MT26.Anwar Fuady27.Drs. Wayan Sugiana, MM28.Ir. Imam Sumitro 29.Ir.Ignatius Sugiarto 30.Ifan Pioh31.Dwi Yanuas Didi32.Drs. Endang Kartiwak33.Iryanto Muchil, BE34.Ir. Eddy Suryantono35.Suwanda, M, Sag36.Dr. Wigui FP Kaunang 37.Slamet Riyadi38.Rr. Diwi Yanthi, SH39.Makmun40.Achmad Toriq, SH41.Dewi Mizwar42.Ir. Tomigan Tarigan, SH43.Dra. Hj. Farida Nuryanti44.Ir. H. Rudy Rahmawanto45.Drs. Hengky Luntung46.Pipin Supindah, BE47.Ir. Zulkifli Bastianda48.Ir. Bambang Suwaji49.Ir. Sukirman50.Ir. Leon Roza 51.Budi Satria Hamid52.H. Wahono Tjokrodarsono, SE53.Ir. Syamsirwan Ganie54.Ir. Amien Rahardjo55.Ir. Sonny Sumarsono56.Ir. Tedjo Utomo M.57.Ir. Syafuan Gani, MM58.Drs. Ismail Sangaji 59. Gunawan Sukardi S.60.Ir. Wahyudiono61.Drs. Drajat Soekasno62.Ir. Winarto Broto63.Ir. Benny Rubiandi64.Ir. Agus Slamet65.Dhuandi Wahadi, BE66.Dra. Purnawati67.Asep Urbana, SE68.Baby Siregar69.Inu Kertopati, SH70.Isnaia Singgih, SH71.Denny Sultani Hasan, MM72.Noor Syamsudin Chotib73.Drs. Arie Kwartatmoko74.Hassanudin A. Latief, SH75.Ir. Ongky Sasongko76.Rosa Hardiani77.H. Hermawan Setiabudi78.Drs. Haryo Suparjo79.Ir. Winarno80.Junizwan Affandi81.Syahirul Zam Zam, SE82.Ir. Mohamad Sanusi 83.IIIlal Ferhard, Bsc84.Daniel Onefarsis85.Ir. H RP Hadi Thahjono, MM86.Drs. Arifin Nitiamidjaya87.Ir. Ismail Lebehari, BCM88.Drs. Deddy Pandapotan T.89.Ir. Ricky Sofyan S, MM90.Ir, Jaka Djatnika, MM91.Ir. Wahyudi Suhartono, MBA92.Fira'un Maulana93.Ir. KSM Daniel, MM94.Ir. M. Jauhar Arifin 95.Ir. Retnaestri, M. Eng, Sc96.Ir. Moch. Chandra Solehan97.Didin Syarifudin98. Proverbs Gideon Michael99.Steven Rumangkang, MBA

"Ahead of the election, SBY came and said please be accepted as part of the Democrat family," said Hencky at Mega Kuningan, Saturday, February 27.

SBY Takes the Party

After becoming president for the second time, SBY was accused of using the Democratic Party as a family party. Because there is irregularity in the party rules.

One of the senior Democrats, Darmizal, said that SBY had taken the Democrat Party from its founders to become a dynastic party. It started with the takeover of the party when the Democratic Party was chaired by Anas Urbaningrum.

"It was SBY who actually carried out a coup or takeover of the Democratic Party by all means. At the time of the KLB in Surabaya, SBY promised only to continue the remaining leadership of Anas Urbaningrum until 2015. At the 2015 Democratic Party Congress in Surabaya, SBY broke his promise and emerged as a candidate. single, "said Darmizal.

Afterwards, he explained, at the 5th Congress of the Democratic Party, March 15 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress was forced to force the position of General Chairperson from the father to the son of the crown, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY). At that time without fulfilling the congressional proceedings.

"Ordered to leave the courtroom for all congress participants who had the right to speak, did not ratify the decision as it should have been, among other things, the schedule of events, rules of procedure, discussion of the AD / ART, discussion of work programs and reports on the accountability of SBY the previous chairman. However, AHY immediately declared himself Chairman. General Chairman of the DPD. That is what they call an acclamation, "he said.

From this disappointment, some cadres and the founders of the party proposed the implementation of an Extraordinary Congress (KLB) which will be held in the middle of March.

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