JAKARTA - The French government said there was no real threat of terrorism from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) against the 2023/2024 Champions League match which brought together Paris Saint-Germain against Barcelona at the Parc des Princes Paris Stadium on Wednesday local time.

"Nothing and the Minister of Home Affairs confirmed this at today's cabinet meeting, a real threat but we remain cautious at all times," said French Government Spokesman Prisca Thevenot as reported by AFC, reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, April 10.

The statement was made in connection with the emergence of statements from the Islamic State group that threatened to attack the quarter-final match.

Earlier, French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said the Islamic State group had threatened Champions League quarter-final matches on Tuesday and Wednesday, not just PSG vs Barcelona matches. He said there were "threats that ISIS clearly disclosed".

"The police I spoke to this morning have strengthened security measures," Gerald said.

The French government also imposed significant security following potential disruption from the Islamic State group in the Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) and Barcelona matches.

The threat also raised concern PSG coach Luis Enrique said in a pre-match press conference, "Who wouldn't worry about the terrorist threat?"

"I hope this is something that can be controlled and it's just a threat and nothing will happen," Luis Enrique said.

Meanwhile, European Football Agency UEFA said all matches must continue despite threats.

"UEFA is aware of the alleged terrorist threat to this week's Champions League match and is in close contact with authorities at their respective locations," the statement said.

All matches are planned to run on schedule with appropriate security arrangements.

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