JAKARTA - Defense Minister and elected presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto opened the door to his house on Jalan Kertanegara Number 4, Jakarta, for halalbihalal which was attended by most government officials.
However, not only government officials who visited Prabowo's residence, there were also people, including volunteers who supported him during the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).
However, apart from invited guests, they cannot enter the residence, so people can only sit waiting in the yard, which is full of passing cars carrying officials.
However, Prabowo at around 16.00 WIB took the time to get out of his house and greet some of the volunteers who had been waiting in front of his residence since Wednesday afternoon.
"Thank you everyone. Sorry to be born and inner. Happy Eid everyone," said Prabowo when meeting residents in front of his house as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, April 10.
He then returned to his residence which had been crowded by government officials, including from the Ministry of Defense.
As of 16.48 WIB, figures and ranks of state officials and government officials who visited Prabowo's house, including the Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Golkar Party Aburizal Bakrie including former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court/DPD Member Jimly Asshiddiqie.
There is also the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Defense, Marshal Madya TNI (Ret.) Donny Ermawan Taufanto, Head of the Defense Facilities Agency (Kabaranah) of the Ministry of Defense, Marshal TNI Yusuf Jauhari.
There were high-ranking officials from the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN), including Hasan Nasbi and Boy Rafli Amar.
Prabowo also received Agum Gumelar in the morning at his residence. Agum, who is Prabowo's senior in the TNI, during the 2024 presidential election campaign, joined the Prabowo-Gibran TKN as the Board of Trustees.
Prabowo Subianto started his activities during Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijri, with Eid prayers at Nurul Wathon Mosque, Garuda Yaksa Padepokan, Hambalang, Bogor Regency, West Java.
After that, he visited his residence in Kertanegara, then attended the ceremony of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo at the State Palace.
The elected vice presidential candidate Gibran Rakabuming Raka is also scheduled to travel to Prabowo's residence. But so far, no one has been able to confirm the news of Gibran's arrival.
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