Head of Sukamiskin District Head of Bandung, Wachid Wibowo, said that 240 corruption convicts received Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijri remission.
The number of inmates in Sukamiskin Prison itself totals 381 people. Of that number, only 240 people met the requirements to get remission.
"Today's remission totals 240 people, the smallest is 15 days and the biggest is two months of remission," Wachid said in Bandung, Wednesday, April 10, as reported by Antara.
It is certain that there are also no corruption convicts in Sukamiskin Prison who are immediately released or get special remission II.
"The details are 15 days and 12 people remission, one month remission there are 210 people, 45 days remission there are 14 people and 4 people 2 months, all special remissions I, no remission II," he said.
Furthermore, he explained that the remission was given based on Law Number 22 of 2022 concerning Corrections.
According to Wachid, the requirements for remission, among others, must behave well and have entered the period of getting remission.
"So we are proposing remissions based on regulations or regulations related to remissions. So we don't distinguish any inmates who meet the requirements, we propose for remission," he said.
He said that there are a number of administrative requirements that must be met by prisoners to get remission, namely having served a six-month sentence, behaved well, participating in activities held in prisons with good predicates, and not serving a subsidiary sentence.
"Other requirements are certainly not sentenced to death or life imprisonment and the person concerned is also not serving imprisonment or a substitute for fines," said Wachid.
As for the 240 inmates who received remission this Eid, they include former Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives Setya Novanto, former Chairman of the West Java DPRD Irfan Suryanagara, former Head of Korlantas Polri Djoko Susilo and former Cirebon Regent Sunjaya who received special remissions I or still had to serve the rest of his sentence after receiving a deduction from detention.
In addition to granting remissions, he continued, the Sukamiskin Prison also held a number of activities for Islamic prisoners, including the Eid prayer activities to give them the opportunity to meet their families.
"That we are giving them the opportunity to meet on Eid al-Fitr this year for three consecutive days," he said.
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